Lab PI since Nov 2016
Associate Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology Curator, University of Minnesota Herbarium (MIN) Google Scholar ![]()
Ph.D. student (Aug 2020 – present)
Aaron uses hyperspectral imaging of herbarium specimens to reconstruct functional trait evolution in Polygonaceae. He finished all data collection in the summer of 2024 and is currently analyzing the data and writing his dissertation. Google Scholar ![]()
Postdoc (Aug 2021 – present)
Brett is working on linking hyperspectral imaging with plant genotype and stress response as part of the NSF-funded spectral biology project. He is mainly advised by Jeannine Cavender-Bares but is also involved in several hyperspectral imaging projects in the lab. ![]()
Lab Openings
*Update Fall 2024: currently, all funded postdoc positions are filled. However, Ya is happy to work with prospective postdocs applying for fellowships such as the NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB) (Deadline: November each year).
In addition, check out this comprehensive list of postdoc fellowships.
Graduate Students
We seek students who are passionate about plant systematics and evolution. Ya is affiliated with two graduate programs:
Plant and Microbial Biological Graduate Program
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Graduate Program
Internal funds are available for herbarium curatorial assistantship, summer/academic year fellowships, and research awards. Please contact Ya to discuss your interests.
In addition, Ya is happy to assist prospective graduate students with applying for external fellowships such as the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Deadline: October each year.
Also, see general info on applying for graduate school by Casey Dunn
A detailed guide on how to apply for graduate school by current UMN graduate students
Undergraduate students
*Update Fall 2024: we are currently at full capacity for undergraduate students. Please check back later!
The lab has many opportunities for motivated undergraduate students, including, but not limited to, field collections, basic molecular lab techniques, phylogenetic analyses, and programming projects. Please contact Ya with your CV and a brief description of your interests to discuss potential projects!
*Update Fall 2024: currently, all funded postdoc positions are filled. However, Ya is happy to work with prospective postdocs applying for fellowships such as the NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Biology (PRFB) (Deadline: November each year).
In addition, check out this comprehensive list of postdoc fellowships.
Graduate Students
We seek students who are passionate about plant systematics and evolution. Ya is affiliated with two graduate programs:
Plant and Microbial Biological Graduate Program
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Graduate Program
Internal funds are available for herbarium curatorial assistantship, summer/academic year fellowships, and research awards. Please contact Ya to discuss your interests.
In addition, Ya is happy to assist prospective graduate students with applying for external fellowships such as the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Deadline: October each year.
Also, see general info on applying for graduate school by Casey Dunn
A detailed guide on how to apply for graduate school by current UMN graduate students
Undergraduate students
*Update Fall 2024: we are currently at full capacity for undergraduate students. Please check back later!
The lab has many opportunities for motivated undergraduate students, including, but not limited to, field collections, basic molecular lab techniques, phylogenetic analyses, and programming projects. Please contact Ya with your CV and a brief description of your interests to discuss potential projects!
Lab Alumni
Graduate Students
Lab managers
Undergraduate students
- Diego Morales-Briones (10/2017–3/2021) worked on hybridization and polyploidy in plant phylogenomic datasets. He mentored students, established lab protocols, and taught workshops. Diego is now a postdoc at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich with Prof. Gudrun Kadereit. Google Scholar Diego's website
- Lingyun Chen 陈凌云 (5/2017–4/2019) worked on gene expression analyses in non-model species. He is now a faculty member at the China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China. Google Scholar ResearchGate
Graduate Students
- Alex Crum (Ph.D. 6/2019–8/2024) studied the evolution of Tyr- and Phe-derived metabolites across Caryophyllales. She also led several ethnobotanical projects. Alex is currently a visiting lecturer at the University of Wisconsin, Superior.
- Rebekah Mohn (Ph.D. 8/2017–5/2023 and postdoc 6–9/2023) worked on phylogenomics and chromosome evolution of Drosera (Droseraceae). She is now a postdoc with Andrew Hipp at the Morton Arboretum near Chicago. Google Scholar
- Ben Cooper (M.S. 7/2021–1/2023) took courses on data science and built reproducible Python pipelines for analyzing Hyb-Seq data in Caryophyllaceae. Ben is now a data engineer in the industry. Ben's website LinkedIn
Lab managers
- Zachary Radford (12/2020–6/2022) established our stress experiments for the NSF-funded Caryophyllales metabolite project; he also trained students and managed the lab. He is now a Ph.D. student at the Wessinger Lab, University of South Carolina.
- Eileen Yinyin Huang (3/2017–8/2018) set up the new lab, generated RNA-seq data, and trained several lab members. She went on to be a PharmD student at the University of Minnesota. LinkedIn ResearchGate
Undergraduate students
- Lauren Vander Esch (1–8/2024) did her Hornor's Thesis on using hyperspectral imaging to track invasive knotweeds in the upper Midwest using herbarium specimens.
- Kyle Duval (6–9/2023) worked with Aaron to predict functional traits using hyperspectral imaging of herbarium specimens.
- Sophie Naylor (6–8/2023, Colgate U, USDA REEU) used DNA barcoding to identify Hmong herbs with Alex Crum.
- Muna Mohamed (1–5/2023) worked on knotweed stress experiments with Alex Crum.
- Nicholas De La Rosa (1–5/2023) worked on Drosera DNA extraction and plastome analyses with Aaron Lee and Rebekah Mohn.
- Annika Smeenk (1/2022–5/2023) worked on stress experiments and the Hmong herbs project with Alex Crum.
- Adiel J. Andino Acevedo (6–8/2022, U of Puerto Rico at Utuado, USDA REEU) used DNA barcoding to identify Hmong herbs with Alex Crum.
- Erin Boehme (5–9/2021) worked with Rebekah Mohn and Aaron Lee on character evolution in Drosera.
- Ailin Wang (4–7/2019) helped with stress experiments for her directed study project.
- Nox Makunga (Summer 2023, visiting professor from Stellenbosch University in South Africa) to collaborate on medicinal plant work. Google Scholar
- Diego Paredes Burneo (Summer 2023, visiting Ph.D. student from the Lagomarsino Lab at Louisiana State University) worked on the phylogenomics of Brachyotum (Melastomataceae).
- Marian Schubert (11–12/2021, visiting postdoc from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences) worked on developing a proposal on macroevolution of cold tolerance and vernalization in the grass family. Google Scholar
- Nan Lin 林楠 (9/2019–9/2020, visiting Ph.D. student from Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences) was awarded a China Scholarship Council fellowship to learn phylogenomic methods. ResearchGate
- Delphine Tefarikis (10–11/2018, visiting Ph.D. student from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany) worked with Diego on reticulate evolution and C2 photosynthesis in Salsola (Amaranthaceae). ResearchGate
July 2023 lab trip to Craters of the Moon, ID after the Botany conference: Rebekah, Ya, Alex, and Aaron
Lab group pic Sep 2021: Ya, Aaron, Erin, Rebekah, Zack, Ben, and Alex
Lab group pic Dec 2019: Diego, Rebekah, Alex, Nan, and Ya.
Lab group pic Oct 2017 (mising Yinyin): Rebekah, Ya, Diego, Zacky (honorary member from the Weiblen Lab), and Chen.